Monday, March 17, 2008

im worried.
i dno, i've been feeling pretty emotional since yesterday.
normally, im pretty heartless. i dno whats with me.
ms wong just announced :
emath midyears - everything from s1 to s4.
amath midyears - chapter 1 to 16.

it finally struck me.
like i had been running away and avoiding reality all this while, and a huge mountain showed up right infront of me.
there's no other way around it other than to climb.
this is it? the begginning of the end.

so morbid and depressing eh?
im probably a natural worrywart. probably inherited that from my mom.
the urge to leave the country has never been so strong.
i really wonder how im going to survive all this.
im gna really need God on this one.



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